Rainbows End Trip

On Tuesday some hard working students had the opportunity to have an amazing day at Rainbow End. We got to go on 20 amazing rides. My favorite rides were, Invader, Coaster, Bumper cars, Lazer Tag, and Gold Rush. We got to spend almost 6 hours at rainbows End. Even though I’ve been to Rainbows End a million times i got to enjoy going on the rides with my friends.

Athletics T4

Athletics. On Friday we had Athletics for the whole day. We had an amazing day in the sun. We had activities like Long jump, High jump, Sprints, Relays, Shot put, Discuss, and an Obstacle course. We were all put in our house colors and we competed to see who was the best House color. We had Te-Wai-o-Taiki, Maungarei, Kaiahiku, and Taurere. We rotated from station to station every 20 minutes so that everyone could have a fair chance at every station. We also had Sausage Sizzle, Drinks, and Ice blocks.

The great beginning

For writing this morning, We had to write a great beginning. We got to choose the topic. I chose to write about the war. I was writing like there was a war going on while we were stuck underground in a bunker. We had some options on how we would like to write our story and what we wanted it to look like.

Performance by the Island Breeze

This morning we had some amazing guests. We had the Island Breeze band. We had a session with the Island Breeze band. They performed some amazing performances and songs for us.  We had people from all around the world perform for us. They performed a Hawaiian dance, a Samoan dance, they performed a Maori song, and a Cook Island performance. Even our teachers learnt a dance to perform for us. After all the performances they gave us some motivational words. Rudy – You are somebody, you are different, you are unique, and you could be whatever you want to be in life.


Today Team Tui learnt about infinite numbers and much more. Why do they have a zero before the number one? The number zero is used as a placeholder in the place system. For example, two zeros before a number indicates a hundred position, while a single zero before a digit indicates a ten’s position.

Cybersmart W2 T4

For cybersmart this week we had to complete slides on the media that they gave us. They gave us Monopoly, and Kotahi NZ transport. We had to find out the reason they wanted to make that media and why. They gave us videos and pictures for us to identify who it is and why they made it. We had an option to choose a media for ourselves. I chose the Hop card for trains and buses.

Probability Maths learning

For math this morning we learnt about probability. We split ourselves into three groups. A, B, and C.  There were three rotations. Card game where we had to flip cards and do challenges, the second challenge was a bottle flip challenge where we had to get ten in a row, and the last rotation was greedy pig. For the greedy pig game we had to roll a dice. Whatever number we get we add it up until we get the number 50, if you get the number 1 you have to restart.

Using different types of charts

Task Description: Today for Maths we learnt how to use Google sheets. We had to write down the equations on the side of the graph. After we wrote it on the graph we had to insert some charts onto the google sheet. I added 4 different charts. The charts i added were, A pie chart, a column chart, a bar chart, and a line chart.